AviaSenze are the sister company to HerdVision, and rather than cows as their target animal; it’s chickens.
The Challenge
To create a visual identity, brand and responsive website design.
This needed to have a similar look and feel to HerdVision whilst being different enough.
My Thinking
The main target audience of the software used with AviaSenze was farmers, and they often are quite simple people who don’t need all the bells and whistles that a very modern society can bring nowadays (this was also cemented from the user research that was undertaken at the start of the project). They just need access to their data and quickly.
The Solution
Using clean design, simple iconography and full colour imagery to produce modernised assets that was suitable for both investors and the target audience.
Modernising the diagrams and recreating the graphics so they were all the brand style was important. Using a selection of images including end users (in the third world) alongside the chickens to bring a variety of images to bring the site to life.
The Outcome
A simple modern responsive website design with clean iconography, prominent images with the focus being on how the product would help the end user. The logo also has a tie in with HerdVision to show that it’s a sister company.